Turkish Hamam benefits– Hamam is a useful Turkish public bath that differs from traditional Russian or Finnish saunas in atmosphere and design. Visitors to the human not only wish but also relax. It is customary to hold business meetings, communicate, and discuss current events in the steam room. Let’s look at the soap dish’s advantages and disadvantages.
What is a Hamam
Turkish Hamam benefits style Turkish bath. The structures’ forefathers were Roman baths, which the Arabs adapted to their needs. The term “ham” in translation means “distributing steam”.
The steam in the bath is supplied by special vats filled with boiling water rather than a hot stove heater. Moisture is distributed evenly throughout the room in the form of a dense enveloping mist. Because of the high humidity, all surfaces are entirely covered with water-resistant materials. In such an aggressive environment, the wood, which is common in Finnish and Russian steam rooms, rots.

All about Turkish– Hamam what is useful is a space for communication and relaxation due to the gentle conditions. Heated oxygen enters the room through 1.5-meter-high holes in the walls. The steam room has 100% humidity and a moderate temperature (up to +60 C), allowing you to spend time without feeling rushed.
Another distinguishing feature is that all surfaces, except for the ceiling, are heated. Stone sunbeds, chairs, and the floor match a pleasant heat, relaxing muscles and restoring normal thermoregulation. The ceiling is designed in the shape of a high dome to prevent condensation from dripping. Water cascades down the walls without disturbing the other visitors.

The steam room is the hamami’s focal point, with five rooms surrounding it like fingers. The temperature in the first room is slightly higher than +35 C. There was a swimming pool or waterfalls with varying temperatures inside the Turkish bath. A person was physically and mentally cleansed and rested after completing the entire construction.
Distinguishing characteristics
Steaming is a common practice in many cultures, but the Hamam is distinct from other national variations. The tile, natural stone, or mosaic cladding on the interior of a traditional or modern Turkish bath is easily identifiable. The design combines colorful ornaments and natural stone harmoniously. Wood is not used in the construction or finishing processes.
The Hamam maintains a specific temperature regime. The temperature rises to 100-110 degrees Celsius in the Russian steam room and up to 120 degrees Celsius in the sauna. The indicators in the Turkish soap bath range from +35 to 55 C. People who dislike the heat enjoy it because it is not taxing on their hearts, blood vessels, or veins.

Turkish Hamam benefits steam room has a high humidity level of 100%. Because the humidity in the sauna is less than 15%, it is dry, heavy, and stuffy inside. The hammam’s hot, moist air opens ports and relaxes muscles. Visitors can unwind and converse in a relaxed environment.
Pouring water on a hot stone or an oven produces a lot of steam in Russian and Finnish bands. Humidity is maintained in Turkey by massive boilers filled with boiling liquid. Waves of hot air envelop the room, warming the beds, the floor, and the walls.
The Hamam is easily identified by its massive ceiling hemisphere, which is lined with stone or mosaic. The structure in the Turkish bath has a minimum height of 3 m and an optimal height of 5 m. Moisture rises to the dome, cools, and flows into the drainage system as thin rivulets along the dome’s walls. Deviation from the traditional form will cause the steam room to malfunction, and condensation will drip on people.

A hammam is not only a washing room but also a collection of different cosmetic procedures. It is forbidden to consume fatty foods or alcohol before visiting the soap house. It is not customary to enter a steam room naked, so the body is covered with a sheet or sarong.
How the traditional Hamam works
A public Turkish bath is a massive structure with one boiler that heats all of its rooms. Because hot air is supplied through pipes hidden beneath the floor, visitors walked around the Hamam in wooden flip-flops. Steam escapes through wall holes.

The traditional Turkish bath was shaped like an open palm. The steam room was made up of five rooms that were built in the shape of beams around the main room:
- Jamekyan. In the dressing room, equipment was being installed.
- Peshtemal. The room was used for showering.
- Chebek. A room with steaming sun beds. The structures were built with natural marble.
- Harare. The steam room combined functions with the treatment room thanks to the massage surfaces.
- Keys. A tea and relaxation room with tables and chairs.
The visitor entered the Hamam and immediately entered Jamekyan. Then he proceeded down the corridor to a massive round Harare. Following the procedures, the individual went into other rooms where they maintained their degree. The visitor could select a suitable temperature regime. Surfaces emitted moist steam scented with fragrant oils.

Communications were removed from the rooms. Hot air passing through the pipes emits heat and humidity to the walls and floor. They steam in the hammam while lying down, so there is a wide couch or a platform with narrow models in the center. The building was made of marble or tile (mosaic). The “furniture” is at least 80 cm tall.

Water-filled stone urns must be installed in the heareth. Because large containers lack a drain, the liquid is extracted using bowls. The traditional Turkish steam room has three swimming pools. The first is filled with water at a temperature of + 45 C. The second tank is filled with a neutral liquid (+35 C), while the third is filled with a cool liquid. Small waterfalls or marble fountains can be found throughout the interior.
The hammam must have adequate ventilation.
The natural air intake was organized in traditional Turkish baths, which was planned when the building was constructed. At high humidity, aeration assisted in maintaining comfortable conditions.
Indications for use
A 1.5-2 hour stay in a Turkish bath allows visitors to relax, improve their health, and communicate. The enveloping moist air aids relaxation. To ensure that the Hamam does not cause harm, it is necessary to understand the steam room’s strengths and weaknesses.
The bathing experience
A trip to the Turkish bath boosts the immune system of healthy people. Different temperatures alternate in the hammam, tempering the body. Blood supply is improved by traditional foam massage with coarse washcloths. Aromatic oils are beneficial to the nervous system.

Visiting the hammam regularly will help you deal with the problem skin. The warm moist air that envelops you opens your pores. Gentle peeling removes dead particles and black dots while restoring glandular function.
It is advised to visit the Turkish bath if you have a cold but not a fever. A specific environment alleviates malaise and symptoms. Hamam helps to relieve joint and muscle pain. Mucus is better removed with a runny nose and cough because of the humid air. Inflammation in the body decreases, and natural regeneration begins.
If your bronchitis is in the recovery stage, the steam room will help you get rid of it faster. Warm herbal teas are recommended to drink during the procedure to help the body warm up from the inside. They breathe deeply and frequently in the steam room to clear the lungs of sputum. It is forbidden to dive into a neutral and cool pool, as this will bring the disease back.

A Turkish bath can help with sinusitis. Steam reduces mucus secretion and swelling of the nasal membranes, which aids in recovery. During the recovery period, when the fever and intoxication have subsided, the Hamam is visited a couple of times per week. You should not stay inside for more than 30-45 minutes to ensure that the procedures are not harmful.
A Turkish bath combined with vigorous physical activity will help relieve muscle pain. The hammam procedures relieve unpleasant sensations caused by physical activity. In the steam bath:
- Inflammation is reduced
- Lactic acid has been neutralized;
- The circulatory system has returned to normal.
A Turkish bath will assist you in safely losing excess weight. You will lose 2-3 kg per session if you combine a steam room with massage and herbal teas. A Hamam visit is recommended to supplement dietary nutrition. In a humid, warm environment, metabolism speeds up, causing fat to be broken down. When the temperature rises above +55 degrees Celsius, the pores open, causing sweating to increase and excess water to leave the body.
Harm of procedures
Turkish Hamam benefits are not a cure-all for all ailments. A steam room and a high degree are not recommended for pregnant women due to the risk of harming the fetus. It is illegal to use a hammam during the acute course of a disease, at temperatures above + 38 degrees Celsius, or during inflammation.
The visit to the Turkish bath is planned in conjunction with the doctor. Even minor loads in the steam room can cause negative effects. The pressure rises imperceptibly in hypertensive patients due to the humid air, and it will be difficult to return to normal.

Procedures in the hammam worsen the patient’s health when they have viral diseases. Fungi multiply rapidly in a warm, moist environment. People with malignant tumors, mental illnesses, or epilepsy are not permitted to visit Turkish baths. Thyroid disorders, varicose veins, and open skin wounds are all contraindications to using a steam room.
How to make a hammam
A modern oriental bath is a lighter version that is no longer based on the palm principle. The Turkish flavor is retained in the design, but the number of rooms has been reduced or the room parameters have been reduced. The Hamam can be installed on a farm or in an apartment.
Fundamental requirements
Turkish baths are installed in a high-ceilinged room (from 3 m). The larger the steam room, the easier it is to furnish a relaxing recreation area. A room or building with access to water, sewage, and electricity will suffice. The supplied hood will make it easier to work in high-humidity conditions.
If the bathroom is rebuilt into a Hamam, all changes in the instances are coordinated. The Turkish bath equipment (steam generator, lighting, ventilation) uses a lot of energy. Networks in new buildings will be able to handle the increased load, but transformations in old buildings are prohibited.
Surface prepping
Insulation is an important part of the eastern steam room’s construction. A thorough primer will protect your floors and walls from the growth of mold and fungus. Lighting is provided by bringing electrical wires into the room. A metal profile frame will allow you to quickly construct any complex structure (arches, projections).

The domed ceiling is made of drywall that is resistant to moisture. The finished product, in the shape of a cone made of stretch cloths, is stunning. A slight slope to the drain is provided on the surface to drain the condensate.
The heating system
In the Hamam, a concrete bench is frequently constructed. To ensure that the couch can withstand a lot of weight, it is reinforced with a metal mesh during the manufacturing process. The floor is covered with electric mats, and a screed is poured on top. The heating system will provide the room with a pleasant, relaxing warmth.

The steam generator is an essential component of the Hamam. The equipment is sold in stores that sell bath and sauna equipment. Because the design takes up a lot of room, the masters advise installing it in a separate room.

The system must be able to withstand high humidity and abrupt temperature changes. The wiring in the walls is protected by waterproof casings. Lighting is provided by moisture-resistant lamps. Use a transformer to lower the voltage to avoid a short circuit.

A multi-level system is installed in the Hamam. The beauty of the dome will be enhanced by star-shaped spot lamps. Use spotlights if the ceiling is stretched. In niches, arches, and corners, diode tape is used. On the walls, closed lamps are installed. The built-in lighting that surrounds the perimeter of the sun beds, floor, or pool is stunning.

Finishing touches
The human’s design is similar to that of a palace but without deliberate solemnity. The Turkish bath is traditionally decorated with marble. Natural stone tiles or mosaics can be used to cover the surfaces (travertine, onyx). On benches, columns, and fountains, Oriental patterns can be found.

The Hamam’s walls are adorned with Turkish ornaments. The design incorporates both plant and animal motifs into a single composition. Traditional kurtas made of marble or onyx will be used as decor in the steam room.

The Turkish bath Hamam is an excellent way to unwind, have fun, and improve your health. Oriental steam rooms with soft moist air are more beneficial and safe than Russian and Finnish alternatives. The design can be arranged in a country house or a large apartment to meet modern needs.

I joined Appartenville in February 2021 as a content editor. After studying English literature at university, I worked as an e-commerce website editor, content author, and purchasing intern for several independent luxury and lifestyle retail companies. My role at Appartenville combines my love, experience, and passion for the world of design and the desire to create inspiring written content. As for my personal style, I am a big fan of color and drawing, especially I like the pastel color scheme. I also enjoy discovering new trends, brands, and products, whether it’s fashion, interior design, or lifestyle my wish list for buying new things is endless.
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