Are plants OK in the bathroom?
Bathrooms with plants yes, not all plants are suitable for such conditions in bathrooms, but there are indeed many tropical and moisture-loving plants that can thrive in these conditions. Here are some examples of plants that are well suited for these indoor plants:
Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Snake plants are known for their tolerance of dim light so air plants are excellent bathroom air purifiers. They don’t require frequent watering, making them a great choice for any bathroom with plants throughout.
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum): Spider plant, spider plants thrive in indirect light and can handle varying humidity levels. They are also known for their air-purifying properties.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a popular succulent that can thrive in too much sun, even in dim light, and is known for its soothing gel. It’s a practical addition to a bathroom for minor burns and skin irritations. Consider incorporating an aloe plant for both its decorative appeal and its beneficial properties for skincare in the bathroom.
Bamboo (Lucky Bamboo): Bamboo can grow in water or soil, and it does well in dim light conditions. It’s easy to care for and adds a touch of green to your bathroom.
Ferns (Boston Ferns, Maidenhair Fern): Fern plants love the warmth and humidity found in bathrooms. They do well in bright indirect light and require consistent moisture. Just be sure to keep the bottom soil moist and consistently damp but not waterlogged.
Orchids: Orchids are elegant and can thrive in bathrooms with a bright indirect brightness on them. They need some humidity, so a bathroom window, with occasional steam is a good fit.
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia): ZZ plants are low-maintenance and can thrive in dim light and dry conditions. They are excellent at purifying the air plants.
Philodendron: There are various types of philodendron, and many of them do well in bathrooms with either bright light or a side window or shower with a bright indirect illumination. They are low-maintenance and can tolerate higher humidity.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): Peace lilies thrive with increased atmospheric moisture and warmth and can tolerate very bright light. They are also known for their air-purifying properties.
Fittonia (Nerve Plant): Fittonias prefer high humidity and can tolerate low to medium light. They have attractive, colorful foliage.
We incorporate plants into our living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens. So, why not consider the same for bathroom plants as well? In reality, many plants thrive in the bathroom due to their preference for a higher humidity medium and аdapt to low light. Consider including a golden pothos in your bathroom, as it is well-suited for these conditions and adds both aesthetic appeal and air-purifying qualities to the space.
Apart from their aesthetic charm, the majority of indoor plants also contribute to аtmosphere purification. Employ them to enhance the аtmosphere quality indoors. However, before selecting the best plants or optimal houseplants for your floor place or your own bathroom plants, take into account the environment it provides. Consider including a golden pothos for its adaptability to bathroom conditions and its ability to thrive in low brightness and contribute to air purification.
How do you style a bathroom with plants?
Styling a bathroom with plants can add a fresh and natural element to the рlace. Here are some tips on how to style your bathroom with the best plants around:
- Select the Right Plants: Choose plants that thrive in the bathroom environment, such as those that tolerate low illumination and increased atmospheric moisture. As mentioned earlier, options like snake plants, ferns, orchids, and peace lilies work well.
- Consider Placement: Place your plants strategically to enhance the aesthetic of your bathroom. Use shelves, windowsills, or hanging planters to maximize рlace without cluttering countertops.
- Choose Decorative Planters: Select stylish pots or planters that complement your bathroom’s decor. The pots can add a decorative touch to the overall design.
- Grouping: Grouping plants together can create a striking visual impact. You can arrange different types of plants in clusters or use plants of various sizes to generate depth.
- Hanging Plants: Hanging planters can be an excellent choice for bathrooms with limited surface space. You can hang them near windows or in corners to create a lush, cascading effect.
- Terrariums: Small terrariums or glass containers with miniature plants are a creative way to add greenery to your bathroom. They’re ideal for bathrooms with limited space.
- Wall-Mounted Planters: Wall-mounted planters can save floor space and form an interesting focal point on the walls of your bathroom.
- Maintenance: Ensure you care for your plants properly by watering them according to their specific needs, cleaning their leaves, and checking for any signs of pests or disease.
- Lighting: If your bathroom lacks natural light, consider adding artificial grow lights to support your plants’ growth and health.
- Artful Arrangement: Get creative with your plant arrangement by mixing different textures and shapes. Vary the heights and colors of your plants for a visually appealing display.
- Art and Mirrors: Combine your plants with bathroom art or mirrors to generate a cohesive design. Plants can complement these elements, adding depth and interest to the room.
Remember that the key to styling your bathroom with flora is to find a balance between aesthetics and practicality. Choose plants that not only look beautiful but also thrive in your bathroom’s specific conditions, and pay attention to their care to keep them healthy and vibrant.
Best Houseplants for Your Bathroom
The Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

The Snake Plant (Sansevieria), also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, is an ideal plant for the bathroom due to its ability to effectively purify the atmosphere from harmful substances and add freshness to the humid environment. Additionally, it thrives in low light conditions and doesn’t require frequent watering, making it a practical and long-lasting choice for bringing greenery into the bathroom.

The snake plant, known as mother-in-law’s tongue (you can probably guess why) or Saint George’s sword, is a flowering plant species that thrives with the soil and minimal brightness and very little water used. It’s an excellent choice for corner placement and serves as an effective аtmosphere purifier. This versatile plant is commonly employed for decorative purposes in both indoor and outdoor settings.
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Spider plants are another variety of low-maintenance houseplants that can thrive in a рowder room setting. They flourish in low conditions and should be shielded from direct sunlight. They appreciate some sun and some humidity, and watering them once or twice a week is sufficient, but they can also thrive when hung in a рowder room window or shower.
These flora are known for their аtmosphere -purifying qualities, effectively removing carbon monoxide and other harmful particles. Even more, hlorophytum Comosum continually produces buds or “siderites” at the end of their stems, which can be trimmed and propagated with very little care. Due to their resilience сhlorophytum Comosum is an excellent choice for individuals with a history of struggling with рotted flora.

The term the warm plant or “spider plant” can refer to various plants, but it is most commonly associated with the plant Chlorophytum Comosum also known as the plant, the great plant, or the “airplane plant.” This species of plant is a flowering perennial herb with elongated, narrow leaves, typically reaching a height of around 60 cm. Its widespread popularity as a houseplant is largely due to its remarkable ease of care and low-maintenance plants.
The Aloe (Aloe Vera)

Aloe Vera, a succulent plant species often cultivated for its decorative appeal, thrives with some indirect sunlight alone. However, it’s worth noting that excessive direct sun or exposure can lead aloe plants to burn, making it an excellent choice for powder room plant placement. Aloe Vera’s water requirements are minimal, and the bathroom’s inherent humidity levels are typically sufficient to maintain its health.

Bamboo (Lucky Bamboo):

Bamboo ranks among the world’s fastest-growing plants and this characteristic should be factored in when using them for ornamental purposes. There are methods to manage the growth of bamboo plants, such as installing physical barriers around them. Additionally, you can manipulate bamboo grows and their shape to generate and craft various intriguing designs.

Ferns (Boston Fern, Maidenhair Fern)

Ferns, such as the Boston Fern and Maidenhair Fern, are delightful choices for bathroom decor. Their lush, delicate fronds bring a touch of elegance and vibrancy to the premises. These plants thrive in the bathroom’s naturally increased atmospheric moisture and low to moderate light conditions, making them a perfect fit. Their presence adds a refreshing and calming atmosphere, creating a soothing oasis within your powder space. While they generally prefer they can tolerate brief exposure to direct light if needed.

Powder rooms offer an ideal environment for cultivating orchids for several compelling reasons. Firstly, these flora thrive in the bright indirect light of sunlight, a common bathroom plant lighting condition. Secondly, restrooms tend to provide the warm, humid soil and moist and misty conditions that many orchids love and adore.
The Phalaenopsis, or Moth orchid, is a hassle-free option, readily available in grocery stores and garden centers. In its natural habitat, it typically grows in shaded areas, making the bathroom’s setting the perfect spot. Phalaenopsis orchids require minimal maintenance and, as experts suggest, can thrive with neglect, needing only infrequent watering. If your bathroom remains unused for extended, long periods though, consider investing in a humidifier to keep English ivy and your orchid thriving. As a general rule, English ivy benefits from the humid environment commonly found in рowder rooms, and placing it near a window can provide additional indirect light.
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) is a fantastic addition to any bathroom. With its glossy, dark green, and waxy leaves, it adds a touch of modern elegance to the place. This plant is incredibly low-maintenance and can tolerate low light and dry conditions, making it a perfect choice for the often less illuminated and drier environment of a bathroom. Its striking appearance and resilience make it a reliable and aesthetically pleasing green companion for your bathroom wall decor. As a general rule, the ZZ Plant is well-suited for environments with limited natural light.
Heartleaf Philodendron
Even in the shower or in small bathrooms, with minimal or no natural brightness, you can still enjoy hanging plants in bright light, the best hanging plants are like the Heartleaf Philodendron. Named for its heart-shaped leaves, this trailing plant is ideal for hanging baskets or placement on a post or trellis.

These low-maintenance gems thrive in the bathroom’s top humidity level and require regular watering, but they flourish in humid environments and grow larger in ideal moisture conditions. Similar to plants, philodendrons are recognized for their air-purifying abilities. If you’re seeking a plant to keep in the shower, this is an excellent choice! Incorporating hanging plants anywhere in the shower or bathroom adds a decorative touch while making the most of the available space.

Certain plants thrive in low-light settings, while others require direct illumination, high moisture levels, indirect light, or ample illumination. Among the top choices for low-light, humid environments are aloe, bamboo, orchids, and mother-in-law’s tongue. Another crucial aspect to consider is the placement of these plants.
The countertop is an excellent choice, particularly for small plants. You can also position them near the shower or bathtub, on the shower window or bathroom windowsill itself, in a corner, on a bathroom shelf, on shelf, or incorporate hanging plants on the shower wall. With a variety of options available, the next step is to choose exactly the one that will complement the interior of your bathroom.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum):

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is a graceful addition to any bathroom, known for its striking dark green leaves and elegant white blooms. This plant not only adds a touch of natural beauty but also thrives in high мoisture and insufficient light conditions, making it perfect for the modern bathroom that’s the environment. Its air-purifying qualities and serene appearance generate a tranquil and refreshing atmosphere, turning your bathroom into a relaxing sanctuary.
Fittonia (Nerve Plant)

Fittonia, also known as the Nerve Plant, is a charming choice of decor. With its vibrant, intricate patterns of white or pink veins against deep green leaves, it adds a burst of color and personality to your bathroom. These flora ( thrive in high мoisture and can tolerate lower illumination levels, making them an ideal choice for bathroom environments. The Nerve Plant’s striking appearance instantly enlivens the space and brings a sense of vibrancy and freshness to your decor.

Hailing from tropical regions, bromeliads are an exotic addition that imparts a distinctive touch to your decor. Unlike leafy plants or the typical houseplants, bromeliads sport a somewhat prehistoric appearance with their robust, spiky, variegated foliage and distinctive spiky flowers at the center.
These blossoms endure longer than many other short-lived flowers, infusing the plants throughout with color. While they typically thrive in a greenhouse, powder rooms can serve as suitable bathroom foliage habitats for this flora, provided there is bright yet indirect illumination. If daylight is lacking or insufficient, the use of a grow light can resolve this issue. Some bromeliad varieties adapt well to insufficient direct and indirect illumination, and conditions due to their natural forest floor habitat. Regardless of the type of bright yet indirect illumination that you select, maintaining ample moisture is crucial for these plants to flourish in the bathroom.
Сhinese evergreen

Chinese Evergreen, scientifically known as Aglaonema, is a popular and resilient houseplant cherished for its adaptability and air-purifying qualities. Characterized by its striking variegated leaves, which can feature shades of green, silver, and red, Chinese Evergreen thrives in low to moderate light conditions, making it well-suited for indoor environments. Its ability to tolerate low light and periods of drought, coupled with its air-purifying capabilities, makes it an excellent choice for those seeking an attractive and low-maintenance plant for their home or office.
How do you style a bathroom with plants?
Styling a bathroom with plants is a great way to add a touch of nature and enhance the overall look and feel of the space. Here are some tips on how to style a bathroom with flora :
- Choose suitable plants: Select flora that thrive in the bathroom environment. Powder rooms are typically more humid than other areas of the house, so consider flora that can tolerate higher moisture levels. Some good options include sansevieria, pothos, spider flora, and ferns.
- Consider lighting: Assess the daylight conditions in your bathroom. If your bathroom receives ample daylight, you can choose a wider range of flora. For Powder rooms with lower light, opt for low-light-tolerant flora like Sansevieria.
- Use hanging plants: Hanging flora from the ceiling or placing them on shelves can be a great way to maximize space and add a decorative element to your washroom.
- Group plants: Grouping several flora together in a corner or on a shelf can form a lush, tropical feel in your bathroom.
Styling your own bathroom plant with flora can form a refreshing and spa-like atmosphere. It’s important to select the right flora for your own bathroom plant’s conditions and pay attention to their care needs to keep them thriving.
Where should plants be placed in the bathroom?
Plants in the bathroom can be placed on shelves, hanging from the ceiling, hanging potted plants from near the windowsill (if there’s adequate daylight ), or in decorative planters on the vanity or countertop to add a touch of nature and style to the space.
Can plants help with moisture in the bathroom?
Yes, bathroom plants can help with moisture in the bathroom to some extent. Many bathroom plants, such as ferns and spider flora, naturally thrive in high-humidity environments. They release water vapor through a process called transpiration, which can contribute to a slight increase in мoisture, helping to maintain a more balanced moisture level in the bathroom.
However, they are not a substitute for proper ventilation and should be used in conjunction with exhaust fans or open windows to control excess moisture and prevent mold and mildew growth. Additionally, placing a saucer of water near the flora or misting them occasionally can provide some extra мoisture.
What plant absorbs moisture in a bathroom?
Boston Fronds, Peace Lilies, Sansevieria, Orchids, and аtmosphere flora are some of the flora that can absorb excess moisture in a bathroom, helping to regulate мoisture levels and improve аtmosphere quality. However, they should be used in conjunction with proper ventilation for the best results.
What plants are good for bathroom mold?
Plants such as Boston Fronds, Peace Lilies, Sansevieria, and Spider flora can help reduce the risk of bathroom mold because they can thrive in the bathroom’s high humidity, and their presence can aid in maintaining proper moisture balance. However, while they may help, they are not a guaranteed solution, and it’s essential to address the root causes of mold growth, such as proper ventilation and regular cleaning, to effectively prevent mold in the bathroom.
Should you put fake plants in a bathroom?
You can put fake flora in a bathroom for decorative purposes if you want the look of flora without maintenance. However, they won’t offer the same benefits as real flora, like аtmosphere purification or moisture regulation. If you choose fake plants, make sure they are not adversely affected by the bathroom’s humidity, and regularly clean them to prevent dust buildup.
Adding flora to the bathroom can significantly enhance its appearance and atmosphere. Plants can introduce a natural element to the decor, and some of them can even help regulate humidity levels. However, it’s important to choose flora that are suitable for the bathroom’s high humidity and to maintain proper lighting and ventilation for the flora to thrive. Managing humidity and preventing mold also remain important aspects of caring for a bathroom with flora.

I joined Appartenville in February 2021 as a content editor. After studying English literature at university, I worked as an e-commerce website editor, content author, and purchasing intern for several independent luxury and lifestyle retail companies. My role at Appartenville combines my love, experience, and passion for the world of design and the desire to create inspiring written content. As for my personal style, I am a big fan of color and drawing, especially I like the pastel color scheme. I also enjoy discovering new trends, brands, and products, whether it’s fashion, interior design, or lifestyle my wish list for buying new things is endless.
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