Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

10 Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

Best desktop design: stylish and unobtrusive. A simple mathematical calculation yields 264 days per year: 22 working days in a month multiplied by 12. Taking into account that people work from the age of 23 to 65, it is estimated that we spend 30 years of our lives at work. As a result, the workplace design should not only reflect the company’s style, but also your personal preferences: it should be comfortable, practical, and appealing. And you must choose accessories for this while keeping professional recommendations in mind.

10 Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
10 Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

Decorating and taking care of your health

Best desktop decoration First and foremost consider the health situation. Modern developments enable us to reduce the load on the shoulders, back, wrists, and entire body by using only some of them.

Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

The tension in your hands causes frequent aching pain in the joints of your hands and wrists. A soft pad for your hands under the keyboard and an original mouse pad with a similar option will help to alleviate the strain. They will not attract the attention of even the most strict and conservative management, but they will greatly aid in the fight against office employees’ professional ailments.

Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

A bracket for adjusting the monitor’s angle of inclination and height. Installation “for yourself” will relieve the strain on the eyes, shoulders, and back caused by tense muscles. It is not only practical, but it also looks great and takes up little space on the desktop.

Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

The next device, on the other hand, takes up a significant portion of it while acting as an organizer. It comes in various versions and can be outfitted with various “gadgets.” It is a built-in drawer for papers, a disk stand, and a coffee cup in this case.

Portable laptop stand. It has an adjustable tilt angle, a reliable lock, and cooling holes. They have additional smartphone brackets, allowing you to keep all of your gadgets close at hand.

The arrangement according to Feng Shui

There are no small things in life, according to this East Asian teaching. Particularly when it comes to the desktop, its location in space, and what is on it.

First and foremost, consideration should be given to the zoning of the office desktop space:

  • Career path. The space between your hands lying on the keyboard should be clear.
  • Zone for families. Between the keyboard and the monitor, on the left. This is the ideal spot for a family photo.
  • The area of expertise. The table’s extreme left corner. Paper documents and books should be kept in this location. Something that is rarely used but has monetary value.
  • The health zone is to the left of the monitor in the background. This is where you keep documents that you are currently working on.
  • It is assumed that they are placed where they are easily accessible without having to change positions in the chair. This conserves energy that can be used to improve health.
  • The fame and reputation zone. The other side of the screen. This is the location for the object of your pride: a sports cup, a medal, a diploma, or simply an image of a successful person.
  • The zone of love. The right corner of the desktop, farthest away from you. A place to display a valuable souvenir, a loved one’s gift, an amulet, or flowers.
  • The creative zone is just below, where documents that have already been worked on are stored.
  • It is completely impossible to develop those.
    The useful things zone. A smartphone replaces the phone that was traditionally held in the right hand.

Important! Chinese wisdom emphasizes the importance of not allowing clutter on the office desktop. You can get used to it, but blockages and debris reduce efficiency and can accumulate negative energy.

Workplace Ideas

Except for work supplies and documents, everything on your desktop should be intended not only for the beauty and improvement of the interior but also to perform other, no less important functions:

  • Use soft color schemes and oriental hourglass balls to relieve stress.
  • Relaxation – objects that can divert attention away from work and provide pleasant memories. Family photos, souvenirs, and amusing inscriptions are the best options.
  • Motivating oneself to continue working is the goal. Something that can motivate you to work even harder.
  • Inspiration is nothing more than creativity. A stylish diary for quick notes and sketches.

We offer the following photos as examples of stylish design solutions for the design of an office desktop:

Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

How to position a computer desk correctly?

Positioning your computer desk correctly is crucial for creating a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. Here are guidelines to help you set up your desk in an optimal way:

1. Desk Placement:

  • Room Layout: Position your desk in a way that allows for a well-organized and spacious work area.
  • Natural Light: Place your desk near a window to benefit from natural light, but avoid direct glare on your computer screen.

2. Desk Height:

  • Elbow Height: Adjust the desk height so that your elbows form a 90-degree angle when resting comfortably on the desk.
  • Wrist Position: Your wrists should be in a neutral position when using the keyboard.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

4. Keyboard and Mouse:

  • Reach Distance: Place the keyboard and mouse at a distance that allows your arms to rest comfortably by your sides.
  • Mouse Pad: Use a mouse pad with wrist support to prevent strain.

5. Chair Placement:

  • Chair Position: Your chair should allow your feet to rest flat on the floor, and your knees should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Lumbar Support: Ensure the chair provides good lumbar support for your lower back.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

6. Cable Management:

  • Tidy Cables: Use cable organizers or clips to keep cables organized and prevent tangling. This improves the overall aesthetic and makes cleaning easier.

7. Workspace Organization:

  • Clear Workspace: Keep your immediate workspace clutter-free to create a focused and organized environment.
  • Storage Solutions: Use shelves, drawers, or trays to organize office supplies and keep them within easy reach.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

8. Lighting:

  • Task Lighting: Use adjustable task lighting to reduce glare on the screen and illuminate your workspace adequately.

9. Personalization:

  • Comfort Items: Personalize your space with comfort items like plants, artwork, or motivational quotes.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

10. Flexibility:

  • Adjustable Furniture: Invest in adjustable furniture if possible. This allows you to adapt your workspace to your changing needs.

11. Ventilation:

  • Airflow: Ensure proper ventilation around your workspace to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

12. Breaks and Movement:

  • Stretch Breaks: Plan for breaks where you can stretch and move around to prevent stiffness.

13. Dual Monitors:

  • Dual Monitor Setup: If using dual monitors, position them at the same height and distance for consistency.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

14. Noise Management:

  • Quiet Area: If possible, position your desk away from noisy areas to minimize distractions.

Remember that everyone’s body is different, so these guidelines are general recommendations. It’s essential to listen to your body and make adjustments based on your comfort and ergonomic needs. Regularly assess your workspace to ensure it remains optimized for your well-being and productivity.

Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

How to properly organize your workplace at the computer?

Organizing your workplace at the computer is essential for productivity, comfort, and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you set up an efficient and ergonomic computer workstation:

1. Desk and Chair:

  • Desk Height: Ensure your desk is at a comfortable height, allowing your elbows to be at a 90-degree angle when resting on the desk.
  • Chair Height: Adjust your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor, and your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Use a chair with good lumbar support.

2. Computer Monitor:

  • Eye Level: Position your monitor at eye level to reduce strain on your neck. The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level.
  • Distance: Place the monitor about an arm’s length away to avoid eye strain.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

3. Keyboard and Mouse:

  • Placement: Keep your keyboard and mouse at a height that allows your wrists to remain straight and your elbows close to your body.
  • Mouse Pad: Use a mouse pad with wrist support to minimize strain.

4. Organize Cables:

  • Cable Management: Use cable organizers or clips to keep cables tidy and prevent tangling. This improves the overall aesthetic and makes it easier to clean.

5. Desk Accessories:

  • Minimize Clutter: Keep only essential items on your desk to reduce visual clutter and distractions.
  • Desk Organizer: Use trays or organizers to store pens, notepads, and other small items.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

6. Lighting:

  • Natural Light: Position your desk near a window to benefit from natural light.
  • Task Lighting: Use adjustable task lighting to reduce glare on the screen and illuminate your workspace adequately.

7. Ergonomic Accessories:

  • Chair Cushion: Consider using a cushion or ergonomic chair if you sit for extended periods.
  • Anti-glare Screen: If necessary, use an anti-glare screen to reduce glare and eye strain.

8. Personalize Your Space:

  • Plants or Artwork: Add personal touches such as plants or artwork to make your workspace inviting.
  • Inspiration Board: Consider creating an inspiration board with motivational quotes or images.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

9. Regular Breaks:

  • Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to reduce eye strain.
  • Stretch Breaks: Take short breaks to stretch and move around to avoid stiffness.

10. Organize Digital Files:

  • Digital Clutter: Regularly declutter your computer desktop and organize files into folders.
  • Backup: Ensure you have a regular backup system for important files.

11. Comfortable Temperature:

  • Temperature Control: Keep your workspace at a comfortable temperature to enhance focus and productivity.
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive
Best Desktop Design: Stylish and Unobtrusive

Best Desktop Design  Conclusion

The best desktop decoration is the main working tool, the same as the working base of the machine. Most of the time is spent here. Therefore, the stylistic design should correspond as much as possible to the recommendations of psychologists, ancient Chinese sages, and designers.






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